Guild Workshops 2024-2025
Mar 29, 2025: Expressions in Stitch Workshop with Judy Cobillas & Deb Lewis - Registrations now open (see below) Waitlist available - email websiteweaversguildstl@gmail.com to be placed on it.
May 3, 2025: So Many LOOMS - So Many Ways to WARP! Skill Building Workshop - Registration coming likely end of first quarter 2025
Expressions in Stitch with Judy Cobillas and Deb Lewis
This workshop, Expressions in Stitch, introduces basic stitches to create an expression in thread. It is designed for beginners as well as those with more experience. You may choose from provided ideas or create your own designs. Materials will be provided and included in the workshop fee.
Workshop Location: Brentwood Community Center - Room B
Workshop Date: Saturday, March 29, 2025 9:30am – 3:30pm
Workshop Fee including materials fee, payable at registration:
WGSL Members - $55 registration (includes $20 materials fee)
Non-Members - $90 registration (includes $20 materials fee)
Materials provided by Instructor will include: White linen, cotton muslin, notebook, cotton tote, embroidery hoop size 8, needles (size 3 & DMC Chenille size 20 sharps), embroidery floss, needle threader, bobbins for thread, Frixion Erasable Pen
Attending a workshop?
The following items might be helpful to have, depending on the topic:
sticky notes and/or notepaper as well as a pens/pencils
filled water bottle (for your health)
For a weaving workshop, consider things like pill bottle/film canisters to weight broken warp (or large "S" hooks), T-pins, bobbin(s) of scrap yarn, and extra warping paper