Guild Challenges
To inspire members to try something new, the Guild proposes an annual Guild Challenge. In the past it has been as specific as "a baby blanket" and as generic as "blue." Participation is voluntary and the lead time before the deadline is long, generally a year. The Guild Challenge is one more way to help members to avoid getting in a creative rut. See below for a few examples of recent Guild Challenges.
2023-2024 Guild Challenge - Inspired by ……
Something specific, something that speaks to you and literally inspires the fabric creation you enter into the Challenge.
No Boundaries: a famous painting or sculpture, a photo of a landscape you’ve taken, an approach to fiber, a song or poem - whatever inspired you.

2022-2023 Challenge - Recycle, Repurpose, Reuse
This year’s challenge was to repurpose or reuse something you already have.
2021-2022 Challenge - Bumps and Lumps
2020-2021 Challenge - Hindsight
Create something that reflects your thoughts on this past year.
2019-2020 Challenge - Three Shades of Green.
This challenge was to create a finished project (or samples) using three shades of green. Guild members were encouraged to get their creative hats on and finish at least one project for the challenge using a favorite technique, or to try something new with the help of the great resources in the Guild library.