Weavers’ Guild of St. Louis Membership

It’s Time to Renew Your Membership!

Join Us – Become a Member or Renew your Membership today!

Welcome! It is easy to join or renew. Our guild “year” begins on July 1, but you may join or renew at any time.

Please note: Our system is not automated, a volunteer will be in touch to welcome you to the guild.

Benefits of Membership

  • regularly scheduled informative programs on a variety of fiber topics (August through May)

  • opportunity to participate the annual WGSL Guild Sale (fall)

  • access to extensive borrowing library including a number out-of-print books

  • access to member equipment rentals

  • access to educational grant monies to attend workshops or other fiber related events

  • opportunity to spend time with a diverse membership with knowledge of various fiber related arts

  • opportunity to join various fiber-related study groups

  • discount on workshops from nationally and internationally known teachers

Your membership dues help pay for meeting places, speakers, newsletters, yearbooks, library acquisitions, and other guild responsibilities.

Membership Levels

  • $35 for individuals

  • $25 for students

  • $45 for families

  • $75 for supporting membership

  • $100 for sustaining membership

  • $1000 for lifetime membership

To Join or Renew by PayPal or Credit Card –

Click Pay Your Dues by Credit Card/PayPal button, above.

Fill out the Membership Interest Form (be sure to include your contact information). Once you have completed the form and clicked the Submit button, the PayPal Button will appear.

Simply select your membership level through the drop down and click Buy Now and follow the onscreen prompts.

The process is not complete until you have completed the PayPal payment process.

To Join or Renew by Mail

Click the Join by Mail button, above, (to download the form), complete the form, make your check payable to Weavers’ Guild of St. Louis, and

Mail to: 

Weavers’ Guild of St. Louis

c/o June Vaughan

6163 Westminster Place

St. Louis, MO 63112

For questions, please use the Contact Us button.