The guild library catalog list is now on LibraryThing, an online personal book cataloging web site. To borrow materials, members come to the library during regular open library hours or call or email the librarian and ask to have books brought to the next meeting. Open library hours are listed in the newsletter or by email to the membership. The library offers extensive titles of historic and current titles, and includes books, monographs as well as video media.
If you can't make it on open library days to pick up books, you can browse the library's list of books online ("follow the directions below), and call or email the librarian to bring books to the next meeting or make an appointment to pick up books at your convenience.
Thanks for your continuing support of the Guild library, it's one of your member benefits.
Click on the link above, which takes you to the WGSL library profile page.
Instructions to find a book in LibraryThing:
There are 3 main ways of looking at the collection list, using clickable links. The list shows title, author, category and whether it is checked out, among other information.
At the top, in the “Collections” section, click on the “Your library” link if you are comfortable browsing through the entire list; it is arranged alphabetically by author.
In the “Tags” section, there is a list of the current Tags for all the books. Click on one of the Tags and a list of all the books in that Category will be shown (click “see all tags” to see the complete list of Tags, or Categories). Note: Tags are our previous Categories, such as Bands & Off-loom or Native American. The list of Categories, or Tags, have changed (Scandinavian is now a separate Tag, these books are no longer mixed in with Ethnic books).
In the upper right corner, there is a “Search WGSL’s books” box next to the picture; type in a keyword, click the Search button and a list of books will be shown that include the keyword. The keyword can be a Tag (category), an author’s last name, a word included in a title (such as “inkle” or “twill”) or a type of item, such as “video.” Note: types of items have changed also; they are: article, catalog, DVD, monograph, swatches and video.
You can see if a book has been borrowed in the column called “Lending” on the list. It shows when it was borrowed and when it is due to be returned. The “checked out” entry is removed when a book is returned. If you want to borrow a book that is checked out, contact the librarian to be put on a waiting list.
In the “Most Recent Activity” section, you will see small cover images, title and author of any new additions to the library. Keep checking this section for new books!
Please send questions or comments to the librarian.