Annual Guild Sale
Guild Sale Information for Artists
MARK YOUR CALENDARS for the 2025 Annual Weavers' Guild Sale!
Sale dates: Friday, October 24th & Saturday, October 25th, 2025
Location: First Congregational Church of Webster Groves
at the intersection of Elm & Lockwood Ave.
Pre-Jury Dates: May 17th and August 16th (9am before Guild meeting)
contact Kay Baranowski to request Pre-Jury session
Facebook users - Watch for Sale information on the Members Only Weavers' Guild of St. Louis Facebook page
New Artists - contact Jane Olson Glidden to get on the Guild Sale Artists List (gaglidden@aol.com)
Sale related questions? Contact Jane Olson Glidden gaglidden@aol.com
Guild Sale Rules and Standards
Pre-Jury for Guild Sale: All NEW artists, OR returning artists with NEW items must submit their work to Pre-Jury. These sessions are typically scheduled for the May and August Guild Meetings. The jury committee needs to see a clear representation of each different item so they can pre-jury the originality of the design, the quality of materials and craftsmanship. Each item submitted should have a Pre-Jury form filled out and attached. Contact Kay Baranowski (Jury Chairperson) at least one week in advance to sign up for a pre-jury session. Email: baranowskikay41@yahoo.com
General Information about the Guild Sale contact: Jane Olson Glidden.
About the Guild Sale
The Annual Weavers’ Guild Sale was founded in 1983 by Carla Moore and Jane Olson Glidden and has grown from a small group of artists to over fifty artists in some years. Items in the Sale encompass a wide field of fiber art techniques with work ranging from art-to-wear garments and accessories to fiber sculpture art pieces to functional rugs, towels and baskets. All work is juried to ensure high quality and artists are expected to contribute 12 hours of service each year to support the sale. We are proud to give our artists this opportunity to sell their work at a very reasonable commission rate. The proceeds from the Sale support our Enrichment Fund that provides scholarships for further education in the fiber arts.
Our Weavers' Guild of St. Louis is dedicated to our efforts to increase visibility in the St. Louis community as well as inform and inspire an interest in the fiber arts. We are proud to showcase these outstanding artists and grateful to our faithful customers that return each year.